Mastering Ethereum Chapter 1 -What is Ethereum?-

Mastering Ethereum: Building Smart Contracts and DApps (English Edition) Mastering Ethereum: Building Smart Contracts and DApps (English Edition) 電子書籍: Antonopoulos, Andreas M., D., Gavin Wood Ph.: Kindleストア


Computer Science Perspective

Ethereum is a deterministic but practically unbounded state machine.

* a globally accessible singleton state
* a virtual machine that applies changes to that state


  • グローバルにアクセス可能なただ一つの状態を持つ
  • VMはその状態に変更を適用することができる

Practical Perspective

Ethereum is an open source, decentralized computing infrastructure (that executes smart contracts).

# Providing

* High Availability
* Auditability
* Transparency


  • 高可用性
  • 監査性
  • 透明性

Compared to Bitcoin

# Sharing

* a P2P network connecting participants
* a byzantine fault-tolerant consensus algorithm

# Purpose

* Not Primarily to be a digital currency payment network
* a general-purpose programmable blockchain


  • P2Pネットワーク
  • ビザンチンフォールト耐性のあるコンセンサスアルゴリズム



Components of a Blockchain

* P2P network connecting
* Messages representing state transitions
* Set of Consensus rules
* State Machine that processes transactions
* Chain of cryptographically secured blocks
* Consensus Algorithm
* Game-theoretically sound incentivization Scheme

In Ethereum, rather than a “reference implementation” there is a “reference specification“.


The Birth of Ethereum

* Toward The end of 2013, Vitalik Buterin thought about extending the capabilities of Bitcoin.
* In October of 2013, Vitalik proposed a more generalized approach(flexible and scriptable contracts).
* In December of 2013, Vitalik shared a Turing-complete, general-purpose blockchain.
* In December of 2013, Vitalik and Gavin built the protocol layer that became Ethereum.
* On July 30, 2015, the 1st Ethereum block was mined.
* In September 2017, Vitalik published the article (

# General-purpose blockchain

* abstract P2P networks and consensus algorithms, etc
* provide deterministic and secure programming environment



Ethereum’s Four Stages of Development

There are Stages and Intermediate Hard Forks.

* Block #0 Stage: Frontier
Block #200,000 IHF: Ice Age

* Block #1,150,000 Stage: Homestead
Block #1,192,000 IHF: DAO
Block #2,463,000 IHF: Tangerine Whistle
Block #2,675,000 IHF: Spurious Dragon

* Block #4,370,000 Stage: Metropolis
Block #4,370,000 IHF: Byzantium
IHF: Constantinople

* Final Stage: Srenity

Ethereum: A General-purpose Blockchain

Ethereum tracks the state transitions of a general-purpose data store(key-value tuple), instead of tracking the state of currency ownership.


Ethereum’s Components

* P2P network -> DEVp2p
*Consensus Rules -> see “Further reading”
*Transactions -> network messages
*State machine -> EVM executes bytecode(Smart contracts)
*Data Structures -> Level DB. Hashed data structure called Merkle Patricia Tree
*Consensus Algorithm -> Now PoW, Near future PoS(codenamed Casper)
*Economic Security -> PoW(called Ethash)
*Clients -> Geth and Parity

Further Reading

Ethereum and Turing Completeness

Ethereum is “Turing Complete”.

* In Turing Complete System, we cannnot predict whether a program will terminate by simulating it.
* Ethereum introduces gas that is a metering mechanism




From General-Purpose Blockchains to DApps

Ethereum’s vision expanded to become a platform for programming DApps.

DApp is composed of at least,
* Smart contracts on a blockchain
* A web frontend user interface

In addition,
* Decentralized(p2p) storage protocol and platform
* Decentralized(p2p) messaging protocol and platform



* スマートコントラクトをブロックチェーン上で実行できる
* Webフロントエンドを持つ


* P2Pのストレージプロトコルとプラットフォームを持つ
* P2Pのメッセージングプロトコルとプラットフォームを持つ

The 3rd Age of the Internet

The Concept of DApps is meant to take the WWW to its next natural evolutionary stage, Introducing Decentralization with P2P protocols into every aspect of a web application.

# Web3.js

* Swarm: an interface to a P2P storage network
* Whisper: a P2P messaging service



* Swarm:P2Pストレージネットワークのインタフェース
* Whisper:P2Pメッセージングサービス

Ethereum’s Development Culture

In Ethereum, the community’s develompment culture is focused on the future rather than the past.

“Move fast and break things.”



Why Learn Ethereum?

Blockchain have a lot to learn.

* Programming
* Information Security
* Cryptography
* Economics
* Distributed Systems
* P2P network

Ethereum is a great platform for learning about blockchain.

“It’s easy to write code, but it’s very hard to write good and secure code.”


