Mastering Ethereum Glossary

Mastering Ethereum: Building Smart Contracts and DApps (English Edition) Mastering Ethereum: Building Smart Contracts and DApps (English Edition) 電子書籍: Antonopoulos, Andreas M., D., Gavin Wood Ph.: Kindleストア


Address160bits of akeccak hash of an ecdsa pub key
BIPsBitcoin Improvement Propsals
ECDSAElliptic Curve Digial Signature Algorithm
EIPEthereum Improvement Proposal
EOAExternally owend Account
ERCEtherum Request for Comments
EthashPoW for Ethereum 1.0
Ethernative cryptocurrency by Ethereum
EVMEtherume Virutal Machine
Fauceta service on a testnet
Finney10^15 finney = 1ether
GanachePersonal Ethereum Blockchain For test
GasVirtual fuel in Ethereum
GethGo Ethereum
HD WalletHierarchical deterministic wallet
ICAPInter exchange Client Address Protocol
IPFSInterPlanetary File System
KDFKey Derivation Function, alson known as as “password streching algorithm”
MistThe first Ethereum enabled browser
NFTNof-fungible token, know as a “deed”
RLPRecursive Lenght Prefix
Serpentsmart contract programming language, similar to python
Soliditysmart contract programming language, smilar to javascript
SwarmDecentralized storage network
Szabo10^12 szabo = 1 ether
Truffleethereum development frameworks
Vypersimilar to Serpernt
Wei10^18 wei = 1 ether
WhisperDecentralized messaging service
Zero Addresscomposed of entirely zeros, that is specified as the destination address of a contract creation transaction