Mastering Ethereum Glossary Mastering Ethereum: Building Smart Contracts and DApps (English Edition) 電子書籍: Antonopoulos, Andreas M., D., Gavin Wood Ph.: Kindleストア
Address | 160bits of akeccak hash of an ecdsa pub key |
BIPs | Bitcoin Improvement Propsals |
ECDSA | Elliptic Curve Digial Signature Algorithm |
EIP | Ethereum Improvement Proposal |
EOA | Externally owend Account |
ERC | Etherum Request for Comments |
Ethash | PoW for Ethereum 1.0 |
Ether | native cryptocurrency by Ethereum |
EVM | Etherume Virutal Machine |
Faucet | a service on a testnet |
Finney | 10^15 finney = 1ether |
Ganache | Personal Ethereum Blockchain For test |
Gas | Virtual fuel in Ethereum |
Geth | Go Ethereum |
HD Wallet | Hierarchical deterministic wallet |
ICAP | Inter exchange Client Address Protocol |
IPFS | InterPlanetary File System |
KDF | Key Derivation Function, alson known as as “password streching algorithm” |
Keccak-256 | SHA-3 |
Mist | The first Ethereum enabled browser |
NFT | Nof-fungible token, know as a “deed” |
RLP | Recursive Lenght Prefix |
Serpent | smart contract programming language, similar to python |
Solidity | smart contract programming language, smilar to javascript |
Swarm | Decentralized storage network |
Szabo | 10^12 szabo = 1 ether |
Truffle | ethereum development frameworks |
Vyper | similar to Serpernt |
Wei | 10^18 wei = 1 ether |
Whisper | Decentralized messaging service |
Zero Address | composed of entirely zeros, that is specified as the destination address of a contract creation transaction |