What is substrate???



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Substrate enables developers to quickly and easily build future proof blockchains optimized for any use case. As Ethereum’s co-founder and first CTO, Gavin Wood developed the Ethereum network and created the smart-contract language, Solidity. While groundbreaking at the time, it soon became apparent that Ethereum’s “all-purpose” nature imposed hard constraints on developers-from high gas fees to a lack of core upgradeability.

The Blockchain Framework
for a Multichain Future

Multichainの未来のためのBlockchain Frameworkとのこと。

Substrate enables developers to quickly and easily build future proof blockchains optimized for any use case.


Why Substrate Exists

Taking the learnings from Ethereum to Substrate

Ethereumを開発したGavin Woodが、Ethereumのガス代やアップグレードの問題などからParityを立ち上げて、Polkadotに移って、そこで得た深い業界経験深い業界経験によってSustrateが誕生したとのこと。

Why Use Substrate

Don’t start from scratch. Start with Substrate


Why Substrate Is Unique

Blockchains without hidden compromises


Substrate-based chains are designed to seamlessly connect to Polkadot, granting access to its system of parallel transactions, cross-chain transfers, and an expanding support network.


The building blocks for a decentralized and fairer internet.



Substrate And Polkadot | Substrate_

By Gavin Wood, co-founder and former CTO of Ethereum, founder of Polkadot and Parity Technologies Substrate strives to be the best blockchain framework in which to build your custom blockchain. Substrate is not a blockchain in itself, but akin to a blockchain SDK framework.

Polkadot is a layer-0 protocol and multichain network laying the foundation for the future of Web3. Substrate is the primary blockchain SDK used by developers to create the parachains that make up the Polkadot network.



Substrate allows you to create specialized blockchains for any use case, and was used by Parity Technologies to create Polkadot itself, which attests to its high level of performance, flexibility, and robustness.



While Substrate can be used to build any type of blockchain, not just Polkadot parachains, connecting to Polkadot offers a multitude of benefits, including built-in security, cross-chain interoperability, and access to Polkadot’s growing ecosystem of platforms, applications, and end-users.


Building a custom blockchain with Substrate offers greater freedom, flexibility, and optimization than building on top of a general-purpose smart-contract blockchain.



Substrate Blockchain Technology | Substrate_

What if developers could build on a blockchain framework specifically optimized for their requirements that seamlessly evolves with their needs and without requiring forks? Welcome to Substrate, the only flexible, open, interoperable, and future-proof blockchain framework. Substrate was created by pioneers and veterans of the blockchain industry who set out to overcome the limitations of previous-generation networks.

Substrate is Uniquely:

  • Flexible
  • Open
  • Interoperable
  • Future-Proof


  • Intentional
  • Forkless
  • Fast


Substrate is a fully modular blockchain framework that unleashes developers instead of forcing them to work within the confines of others’ design decisions.



Developers can choose and even hot-swap components (pallets) such as the network stack, consensus, even the finality engine. Simply select from the growing list of pallets or create your own. Either way, you get to deploy a blockchain network purpose built for your use case, that can evolve with your changing needs.



Substrate-based nodes take a different approach that enables automatic upgrades, no user intervention required. The result is blockchain networks that can be completely forkless, or simply fork less.



The speed of transactions isn’t the only metric that makes a blockchain network fast. The speed of development, upgrades, and user experience are also important.



Another unique attribute of Substrate is its “light-client-first” design which can run directly in-browser and interact with a chain in a fully trustless way.

Traditional approaches for syncing nodes require users to run dedicated hardware and wait a long time for their node to sync, or as a workaround, use a centralized service provider.

Substrate light-clients sync lightning fast and drastically increase the decentralization of blockchain networks. Developers can relax, knowing their end users aren’t reliant on a separate node infrastructure susceptible to downtime or hacking.



Substrate primitives are Apache 2.0 licensed, but developers know that open-source licensing isn’t enough on its own. They need customizable architecture, tooling to support their development, and most importantly, an open and contributing community.



  • Architecture
  • Tooling
  • Community


Substrate uses familiar open protocols such as libp2p and jsonRPC while letting the developer decide how much they want to customize their architecture. If a developer desires full customization, they can use Substrate Core to design and implement the runtime from scratch in any language that can target WebAssembly.

The easiest approach is to use Substrate Node; a developer can simply configure and supply a JSON file to launch a blockchain in minutes.

Substrate FRAME is a meet-in-the-middle approach that allows for a lot of freedom and configuration without requiring extensive customization. A key benefit of FRAME is the option to select from a growing library of pallets or custom-build their own.

Sustrateは、libp2pやjsonRPCのようなオープンプロトコルを使用しているにも関わらず、Substrate Coreを使って、WebAssemblyを使うことで、アーキテクチャをしたいようにカスタマイズできる。

Substrate Nodeが最も簡単な方法で、Substrate FRAMEを使う方法だとより自由に設定できる。


Tools for obtaining and analyzing data are critical, and Substrate was built with this in mind. Substrate exposes rich telemetry data that can be accessed in a performant, horizontally scalable and resilient way. This data is compatible with various tools designed to analyze and visualize the data.

Debugging and performance testing tools simplify development. Substrate has a suite of packages for building transactions and performance testing, along with a collection of debugging tools.

End-user tooling improves the experience of interacting with Substrate blockchain networks. Substrate is the only blockchain framework with an ultra-light client for connecting to the blockchain network directly in the browser without relying on third parties or running additional node infrastructure. Other end-user tooling includes utilities for sharding keys, faucets, wallets, and more.



Sharding keysやFaucets、Walletsなど他のツールも提供している。


Substrate has a large, active, and extremely helpful builder community. Many of the pallets have been created by the community itself. This means developers will not only continually have more capabilities to add to their blockchain network, it also means they can take advantage of blockchain runtime modules and further innovations that have been tried and tested within the ecosytem.




Developers are often forced to make tradeoffs between compatibility, security, and efficiency to interact with data that exists off-chain and cross-chain. This has led to the creation of bridges, oracles, and other interoperability protocols, all with their own limitations.

Substrate takes a unique, multifaceted approach to address these tradeoffs.



  • Compatible
  • Secure
  • Efficient


Substrate-based blockchain networks have the choice of either operating as a solo chain, a solo chain with a bridge, or to integrate as a parachain. Integrating as a parachain enables independent Substrate-based blockchains to gain interoperability with the other independent blockchains. The secret sauce of parachain interoperability lies in XCMP (Cross-Chain Message Passing). XCMP enables parachains to share trusted logic, for example, transferring tokens between networks, without any additional trust assumptions!

Blockchain networks that are not parachains, such as Ethereum, are accessible through parachain bridges. By becoming a parachain on networks such as Polkadot or Kusama, your Substrate-based blockchain also gains interoperability with major blockchains such as Bitcoin and Ethereum while gaining pooled security.




Integrating with Polkadot has advantages beyond gaining bridge access to other networks, most significantly in terms of security. Legacy blockchains are solely responsible for the security of their own network. This is generally limited by the size of the network: the smaller the network the more susceptible it is to a successful attack.

Substrate chains can inherit security from Substrate-based relay chains like Polkadot or Kusama. As a result, even a small blockchain network can gain billions of dollars in security guarantees.

Integrating with Polkadot or other blockchain networks is of course optional. Enterprises often choose to begin with a standalone network with the option of connecting to other networks as they evolve.




Compute and storage come at a cost in any system, even more so with blockchain networks since many nodes perform the same computation and store many copies of the data. Often the concept of “gas” is introduced because of computational resource limitations. Because of Substrate’s modularity, gas is completely optional, and the introduction of off-chain features greatly reduces computation and storage costs.

Off-chain features run in their own execution environment outside of the Substrate runtime. This creates a separation of concerns and ensures block production is not impacted by long-running off-chain tasks.

Although the primary benefit of off-chain features may be cost, there are many other benefits. For example, off-chain features can enable private data to be easily stored and retrievable off-chain to support record deletion and other needs of GDPR-compliant use cases and applications.

With Substrate you’re not only free to choose your parameters such gas costs, governance, and consensus, you’re also free to choose how your blockchain is deployed and if/how it should communicate with other networks. This means your chain can operate completely independently or connect to networks such as Polkadot to gain greater security and interoperability.






Blockchain technology is evolving at a rapid pace and has spurred innovation in other areas such as zero knowledge, consensus mechanisms, cryptographic libraries, and much more. It’s challenging enough to keep up with technology let alone integrate it. Substrate enables your blockchain to assimilate new technology as it comes along.



  • Upgradeable
  • Composable
  • Adaptable


With any structure, the foundation is often the most difficult part to modify, and thus upgrade. For this reason, Substrate’s base has intentionally been built on an extremely simple and unchanging foundation using the widely-accepted open protocol WebAssembly.

Changes occur a layer up from the foundation which not only gives developers a non-opinionated design to work with, it also removes legacy design decisions that would otherwise become outdated and baked into the foundation.




As a core design principle, composability enables developers to build a blockchain comprised of components specific to their needs on a battle-tested framework. Developers are free to choose from a long list of pallets or create their own to add the specific functionality they need. A developer may choose to have a pallet that enables smart contracts, or specifically not include pallets to keep their blockchain network lean and reduce attack vectors.



An ever-growing number of pallets are available, created by both Parity Technologies and the community. These can be combined in many combinations to fit the needs of the desired use case. From the Oracle pallet to the Zero-Knowledge Verifier pallet and the Governance pallet, there are numerous existing pallets that can be integrated from the start or added later with forkless runtime upgrades.

多くのpalletがParity Technologiesとコミュニティで作られている。





